How to deal with sleep deprivation!
After a few bad nights with your newborn, you might start to believe that being a parent means kissing sleep goodbye forever, or at least for the next 18 years or so. How does one survive?! Although this is definitely a part of parenthood, there are ways to handle this new existence without going nuts. Here are some tips to try!
- Try to sleep or rest when your baby sleeps.
- If you have a partner, ask them to take over some of the feeds (especially if you’re using formula and the baby doesn’t need to be breastfed).
- Go to bed early if you can, so that you can get some sleep in before the night time feeds start.
- Ask friends or family to watch your baby so you can get a nap in.
- Get to know your baby’s sleeping patterns so you know what to expect.
- Remember that this phase does not last forever.
- Do more exercise or practise relaxation techniques to help you unwind in the evenings.
- Manage your stress levels.

If you’re struggling with more than just lack of sleep, and are feeling constantly tired and down, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or a psychologist about post-natal depression. It is a common condition experienced by many mothers and there is absolutely no reason to feel ashamed to be asking for help.

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