Introducing Solid Foods

You’re starting to wean your baby off breast milk or formula, but don’t know what foods are safe to try at what age? Here are some basic guidelines.
For the first 4 – 6 months, the only nutrition your baby needs is breast milk or formula. After that, you can slowly introduce solid foods as your baby becomes interested in the wonderful world of food! Keep it simple in the beginning, with just a few spoonfuls a day and don’t try too many new foods at once. After a few months you can give them more variety until they’re enjoying various meals a day plus snacks.
Birth to 4 months
- Breast milk or formula ONLY!
Remember that your baby’s digestive system is still developing and cannot handle any solid foods for now.
4 to 6 months
- Breast milk/ formula, PLUS
- Fruit: apples, bananas, peaches, pears, avocados
- Vegetables: green beans, squash, sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut
- Starches: brown/white rice, Iron-fortified cereal like oats or barley (mixed with breast milk or formula)
- Dairy: unsweetened yogurt (no cow’s milk until age 1)
Your main source of nutrition should still be breast milk/ formula at this stage. However, you can introduce a few new foods. Puree the foods and start by giving very small amounts (about 1 to 2 teaspoons) and gradually increase to 1 to 2 tablespoons. Introduce new foods one at a time. If your baby doesn’t want to try a new food, stop and try again a few days later. You could also keep a diary of the foods your baby tries so that if he/she has a reaction to something, you can figure out if there are any allergies quicker.
6 to 9 months
Your baby can eat everything from the previous age group, plus the following:
- Breast milk/formula, PLUS
- Fruits: apricot, blueberry, papaya, grapes, melon, kiwi from about 8 months
- Vegetables: carrots, zucchini, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils
- Starches: Iron-fortified cereal (oats, barley); small pieces of bread and crackers, pasta
- Dairy: cottage cheese, cream cheese
- Meat & protein: chicken, turkey, (tofu is also ok)
The foods can be pureed or strained and veggies and meat should be cooked properly. Start with 1 to 2 tablespoons a day (per food type) working towards 4 to 8 tablespoons. Also gradually how often you feed your baby. By 8 months, they could be eating two meals a day.
9 to 12 months
Your baby can eat everything from the previous age group, plus the following:
- Breast milk/formula, PLUS
- Fruits: mango, pineapple, cherries, coconut
- Vegetables: tomatoes, spinach, corn, peppers, cauliflower, beetroot, broccoli
- Starches: potato
- Dairy: cheese
- Meat: eggs, beef, pork
Your baby could be having three meals and snacks and also eating more finger foods and solid pieces, rather than just pureed mush. Let them play with their food – it’s a healthy part of learning about tastes and textures and staying curious. Just make sure that they don’t choke on any big pieces. You can also let your baby join in with what family is eating – but avoid salt and added sugars, which aren’t recommended for children under 2.
1 year and older
After the first 12 months your baby can now eat most foods safely. You can now introduce citrus fruits and strawberries. Also, honey, peanut butter and cows milk are now ok.
General guidelines
While experts might differ slightly on when some foods should be fine to try, there are a few universal rules that always apply:
- Only breast milk/ formula until at least 4 months.
- No honey or cows milk until your baby is one year old.
- Avoid added salt and sugar.
- Check for any food allergies or intolerances your baby might have.
- Check that your baby does not choke on big pieces of finger foods.


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