Newborn checklist!
Nesting is real! That instinct to get your house, your nursery, your car and your life ready for the arrival of this new little person can be overwhelming. To help you get all your ducks in a row, here’s a great list to get you going….
Everything you need before your baby arrives:
For your hospital bag
- Maternity pads
- Baby blanket
- Baby clothes
- Breast pads
- Nursing Bras
- Nappies & wipes
- Disposable underwear
If you’re breastfeeding:
- Lots of bibs
- Burp cloths
- Breast pump
- Milk storage containers
- Nursing/feeding pillow
- Nursing bras
- Breast pads (disposable or washable)
- Lotion for sore nipples
- Breastfeeding wrap/cover

If you’re formula feeding
- Lots of bibs
- Burp cloths
- Several Bottles
- Bottle and nipple brush
- Formula
- Formula container
- Microwave sterilisers
- Thermal bottle carrier
- Bottle drying rack
- Dishwasher basket
- Bottle warmer
- Bottle cleanser
For later:
- Highchair
- Bowls
- Baby spoons
- Sippy cups
- Bibs
- Short sleeved onesies/ bodysuits
- Long sleeved onesies
- Body vests
- Pants
- Jackets
- Hats or beanies
- Socks
- Scratch mittens
- Booties
- Sleepsuits
- A few outfits for dressing up (optional)
- Laundry detergent for infants
- Plastic hangers for closet
- Cloth/ bamboo re-usable diapers with liners OR
- Disposable diapers/ nappies
- Wipes
- Nappy bin & liners
- Changing table/changing pad
- Baby ointment to prevent rash
- Bum cream
- Nappy bag
- Waterproof covers
- Baby bath tub
- Washcloths
- Baby bath tub
- Bath toys
- Hooded towels
- Baby shampoo
- Baby body wash
- Baby lotion
- Baby powder
- Baby hair brush
- Cot/crib and mattress
- Waterproof mattress covers
- Fitted sheets
- Lght blankets
- Sleep sack
- Cot mobile
- Baby Monitor
Other Gear & Entertainment
- Baby carrier, sling or wrap
- Travel system
- Stroller/Pram
- Car seat
- Camp cot or play pen
- Play mat
- Rocking chair for feeding and swaddling
- Sun shade for car windows
- Pacifiers/ dummies
- Baby toys
- Books
- Infant swing
- Doorway jumper

- First-aid kit
- Thermometer
- Baby grooming set
- Baby nail clippers
- Teething toys
- Toothbrush
- Cotton swabs
- Bulb syringe
- Safety gates
- Electrical outlet covers
- Cupboard & drawer latches
- Corner protectors
- Toilet seat locks

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