Little Little Prem

After her own experience with a premature baby, Nicolle Grosskopf realised how few resources are out there for moms and babies in her position and decided to do something about it. Nicolle’s own baby, whom she considers her little “preemie miracle” was born at 34 weeks. During this challenging time she experienced first-hand how lonely…

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Little Monsters ZA

Making beautiful things with beautiful colorful fabric is what makes Jani from Little Monsters happy and fills her with joy. She believes in making affordable products that are practical and will help make mom’s lives easier and the babies lives more colorful. All of her products were either custom-made for a customer looking for something…

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Why is my baby so fussy?

Survival tips for when your baby cries and you feel like you’re losing your mind… Every parent has been there. Those evenings when your baby simply won’t stop screaming and fussing no matter what you try. For first-time parents, these moments can be absolutely nerve shattering! Your cute-as-a-button baby turns into a little monster of…

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